Welcome to my place! Kick off your shoes and stay a while.

Oct 16, 2012 6:01 AM by Discussion: Community


Have a fantastic Day, Jim!

40 Replies Reply 30 Referrals

Your computer has a Windows Experience Index base score of 3.9
Your Windows Graphics Experience score is 3.9

WindowBlinds version : WindowBlinds 7.4 (99 x86)

WindowBlinds is installed correctly on this PC
WindowBlinds appears to be activated on this PC
(HP w1907 Wide LCD Monitor) 1 is attached to NVIDIA GeForce 8400

Wblind.dll         2012/03/28 18:57:20
Wbsrv.dll         2010/02/03 16:33:56
SevenConfig.exe         2012/04/10 18:38:58
Wbload.exe         2010/10/20 16:08:35
Wbhelp.dll         2011/10/04 10:01:37
Tray.dll              2009/10/23 20:12:19
Wbload.dll              2010/06/07 15:59:25
Screen.exe         2010/06/07 15:59:43


I just installed the latest WB from the store. Avast tried to send it to the sandbox twice during install and I told it to open it normally. When I rebooted, I got stuck with windows classic. No matter what skin I try, they are all windows classic.

I tried reinstalling it again, this time avast let it run without any alarms. I rebooted again, everything is still on windows classic.

Suggestions anyone?

22 Replies Reply 16 Referrals

Nov 21, 2011 3:06 AM by Discussion: Sneak Previews

Not sure what to name it.

Clean and unclutted, not my usual, I know. I have to keep reminding myself to keep it simple, pull back on what comes into my head - to keep it minimal. An exercise in restraint, if you will. But I am liking how it looks so far,

I'll get back to my crazy stuff after this one. [e digicons];)[/e]


82 Replies Reply 58 Referrals

Oct 25, 2011 10:21 PM by Discussion: Skinning

 I skinned the regular scrollbars and they tile quite well. However, when I open IE9, they are stretching.

So I was thinking that this might be where the Web Scrollbars come in (never had the need to skin them before). I skinned those with a smooth texture, no lines and applied it. Nothing changed. Am I doing something wrong or is SKS not applying the web scrollbars at all? Anyone have a clue?

16 Replies Reply 10 Referrals

Aug 15, 2011 7:19 PM by Discussion: Sneak Previews

Another dark one from me.

89 Replies Reply 11 Referrals

Jul 15, 2011 3:12 AM by Discussion: Community

I need as many people as possible to pray for my brother, Larry. His nic is Noiram here on WC. He is on his way to the hospital right now with chest pains. I don't know of he'll be upset with me for posting this, but right now I don't care. He has been having high blood pressure episodes that have damaged his heart. Please pray for him.

59 Replies Reply 61 Referrals

My First Master Skin

Jul 4, 2011 6:44 PM by Discussion: Sneak Previews

My first Masterskin. I think I'm pretty much satisfied with how this looks, although I think the start button may change. It seems a bit plain compared to the rest of it. Just the mockup is done so far ... 238 layers in all. [e digicons]o_O[/e]

There will be a light substyle as well. The taskbar buttons are transparent, so the Win7 button colors show through. The library top image will probably go lighter once I see what color the text will be in there (sure wish we had control of that). The dial looking buttons 'turn' for different states.

It needs a name and I can't think of one. If you come up with a name I like, you'll get a  free copy of the skin. [e digicons]B)[/e]

Navigatsio, Uvah, and LadyShrike1 named it. Thank you!!! Each of you will get a free copy when it's done.  [e digicons]:sun:[/e]

215 Replies Reply 25 Referrals

Jun 13, 2011 7:03 PM by Discussion: Sneak Previews

Something I've been working on...

I had one of RedneckDude's wallpapers on my screen not too long ago and was thinking to myself 'This would make a good Windowblind'. I threw a start panel together and loved it! Windows 7 is completed, and it works well on Vista, but I still need to make a XP substyle.

I also made a substyle with some color in it for those who would like to recolor it to match other things. Jim has a ton of wallpapers, with many colors, in his gallery called Mezzanine, so you should be able to match them pretty well with this. Go here to get them: https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/all/search/mezzanine

It shouldn't be too much longer before it's ready to upload. [e digicons]:grin:[/e]




77 Replies Reply 15 Referrals

I knew that title would get your attention...


The IP is done! I have uploaded it to Skinartistry2 for you to download.

It will be exclusive to Skinartistry2 members until the windowblind is complete!

If you are not a member, become one, it's free! http://www.skinartistry2.com/index.php

83 Replies Reply 13 Referrals

Jan 18, 2011 11:04 PM by Discussion: Sneak Previews

Just a little something I'm working on. I have a ways to go on it still.

36 Replies Reply 8 Referrals

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